Difficult Dogs

Not all difficult dogs are dogs that need a special kind of training, however, severely aggressive/red line dogs that put owners, other animals, or humans at risk DO!

Likewise, not all nervous dogs require specific behavioral modification, but severe abuse and neglect cases often are situations that will require targeted rehabilitation.

Below you will find more information about different service, rough pricing estimates, and hopefully the confidence you needed in a trainer to bring your life and your K9 companions life back into balance.

Our Experience

We have been Specializing in the rehabilitation of Nervous and Aggressive/ Last Resort and general Difficult dogs since 2010.


Aggressive tendencies don’t always mean a dog is aggressive. Aggressive behaviors can often come from a place of fear or lack of confidence, even just a misguided dog whose drive is way* too high to have been placed in a pet home- but to the untrained eye, these behaviors can run together and be indistinguishable. ….what they absolutely are, undeniably, is scary as an owner and handler!

Is my dog going to bite someone? Another Dog?? IS MY DOG GOING TO BITE ME???  

These are all VERY real realities for hundreds upon thousands of households internationally.

It is a very real dilemma, and one that is often quietly hidden when guests come over, tucked in the back room, walked at night or just plum never mentioned… but the elephant is still in the room, but its not an elephant- its your DOG!

We can help you identify where the behavior is coming from, what behavior specifically is being presented and how to address the problem at the root, using the most humane and effective methods available.

We offer four quadrant BALANCED TRAINING– training that produces long lasting reliable and controlled results. We are DRIVEN to produce a trained dog using the most humane methods to accomplish that goal.

Please call today for your FREE CONSULTATION, and to schedule your evaluation.

Organic Testimony

“I hired Alaura back in the beginning of 2018. We had a Cane Corso and
Bullmastiff/Pit, that were aggressive with other people and animals, and needed leash training.

These were the kid’s dogs and I needed someone to teach the kids how to handle the dogs.

By the time she was done, the kids were able to handle the dogs, and walk them on a leash with control. I was very pleased with the work she did!”

-Lelia Escalante
Pleased Grandma of well trained grandkids (2 and 4 legged)

We STRONGLY support the use of Muzzles!

Muzzles carry a terrible stigma.. people think of a muzzle and they somehow think negative things..

But muzzles are an INVALUABLE TOOL to use on the road to recovery for your dog!!!

Some states, LIKE COLORADO, have DANGEROUS DOG LAWS, requiring the use of a muzzle. Muzzles are great to help prevent unneeded negative or dangerous situations with other dogs, animals or people.

The photo above is a good example of how* muzzles can be a GOOD THING! One dog is a DOG AGGRESSIVE 100lb Presa Canario (intact), One dog is a 130 lb English Mastiff with DOG AGGRESSION (INTACT), The White dog is an 80lb Wolf Dog who is Temperamental with other dogs, and the other muzzled dog is a hunting dog who is NERVOUS OF OTHER DOGS(ALSO INTACT).

This training exercise was successful, but imagine* if those dogs got into it!!

Without muzzles it would not even be a thought to have them so close together.. But by UTILIZING the muzzle, we were able to SAFELY work on the REHABILITATION of EACH OF THESE DOGS-independently, and together!

If you are Shopping for a MUZZLE for an AGGRESSIVE dog, you want to look for a STURDY BASKET MUZZLE that has a three point closure system.

BASKET MUZZLES allow the dog to wear the muzzle for extended periods of time (never unattended) without restricting the dogs mouth.

Dogs PANT to regulate their body temperature, and allowing their muzzle room to open and close in order to pant is REQUIRED to keep the dog healthy.

The dog is also still able to drink water, and vomit if needed without risking choking on any small parts.

Nervous Rehabilitation

Not all dogs who are nervous require an in-depth and targeted program to address their nerves. Often times, they are negative associations or even genetic tendencies that cause the nervous behavior.

But when the nervous behavior stems from severe trauma, like abuse and neglect, and the behavior interferes with the dogs ability to function in the world safely or without any real quality of life, it is time to look into a specific program to help the dog.

An evaluation is the only way to determine how badly or to what extent the rehabilitative training and behavioral modification is required.

It is not a one size fits all scenario, so calling to get an evaluation scheduled is often times the best way to address these issues. We can discuss in your FREE consultation what the issues are that you and the animal are facing, and determine the best way to move forward.

Your dog deserves to be happy, to relax, and to be balanced… and so does the life you share with them.


For aggressive or nervous rehabilitations, training sessions, on average, start between $125 to $250 USD.

This price MAY go up depending on the level of intensity, drive, and true aggression your dog is exhibiting.

Because this also includes nervous rehabilitations, there is a huge gap in estimates and as each dog is an individual an evaluation is the ONLY real way to determine what the proper course of action is (and corresponding price), so a call to discuss your specific situation is recommended!